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A new journey with the MA in Fine Arts at Plymouth University

Writer: Adriana BanariAdriana Banari

How many of you are pursuing a career that your heart embraced? Many people choose university for the status, or because they're under their parents' influence, or because they need the experience in a field that will bring more income.

In my case, growing up in a post-soviet country full of coruption and with a rotten political system influenced me to choose my BA in Journalism and Comunication Sciences, although the call of my soul was always towards arts. I got trapped by the peoples' opinion that if I choose to be an artist in Moldova, I shall be ready to starve and live in poverty. Instead of art, I put my passion for writing, into documenting society, through the power of journalism (little did I know that the political parties would mould anything I write in their favour). There were three years of studies, interviews, filming, broadcasting, and learning all that I could, so that I could become a journalist with integrity. My studies were followed by working as a reporter for a TV company, which helped me know many interesting people. On the other side of the coin, it made me loose hope in freedom of speech, due to the editing of any information that didn't correspond with the sponsor's policy which, in most cases, was a political party.

I followed another job as a radio broadcaster and this time I chose to talk about culture, tradition and have many notorious personalities to my radio show. This move was a success; however, it only brought me brief happiness, as due to financial necessity and the desire to see the world, I decided to emigrate. I won't get into details of everything that followed, as this is material for a whole book, all I can say is that getting lost in unknown places helped me find my inner voice and listen to my call.

I was always creating here and there, a poem, a piano melody, a video, a photoshoot, a performance; but I couldn't choose something that I would embrace for life. The doubts that I could make it into art were eating me from the inside and I spent a good amount of time meditating upon who I am and who do I want to become.

My journey in creating collages started in 2014, I had no art studies, except the Music School that I graduated. It was at first an experiment of putting my thoughts together through images. It was a crucial point in my life where I couldn't write or speak anymore. All I had were images that I felt the desire to put together, so that I can solve the puzzle from my mind, which I hoped will inspire other people to do the same. Years went by and I am still in love with mixed media and I feel that this is where I belong. This is my main way of storytelling and creation.

Due to various circumstances, I moved to the UK and there was a seed that I have planted in my brain - to study in this land and broaden my knowledges and tehniques in art. They say thoughts create your reality and I totally agree, as I definetly made it happen with lots of work and ambition. It wasn't easy, it never is, but it fills my heart with joy that at 27 I can follow the MA in Fine Arts and I can share my visions with a beautiful art comunity.

A lot of things are uncertain and I doubt myself especially as a foreigner...Will I be accepted? Will my art be too weird? Will I find the people on the same wavelength with whom I can create projects? Will I have the finances to put all my ideas into practice?

Lots of questions; however, one thing is certain - I want to create and give back to the world through my creativity. I really hope that my teachers at the MA will help me with that and we can make the world a better place together.



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